Grain augers are a critical piece of equipment for moving grain, especially during harvest season. They’re powerful enough to move large amounts of grain in a short amount of time, which is useful if you have two combines in a field or need to load a truck quickly. Our team at Agrivision Equipment is here to help you find the right equipment solutions, so continue reading for our top tips for buying a grain auger. 

1. Consider the Application

The first tip for buying an auger is to determine what applications it will be used for. You’ll need to ask yourself if it will be solely for loading and unloading trucks and bins, or will only be used for one or the other. Knowing how the auger will be utilized can help you narrow down your options. 

2. Drive System

There are a few different options to choose from when you’re looking at the drive system of a grain auger. Generally, you can select from a PTO, electric motor, gas motor, or hydraulically powered auger. The drive train should work flawlessly within your operation without adding stress for how it will get power when you need it. 

3. Storage

Grain augers are meant to be stored completely flat, or horizontally. You’ll want to consider where your auger will be stored and how it can be transported if necessary. Common options include flat storage with door access, flat storage bin with unload, hopper bottom bins, and flat ground storage. 

4. Size

Finally, you’ll need to determine what the appropriate size will be for your needs. You will have to select the length and capacity of your grain auger. The length should work safely with your grain bin or trucking setup and the capacity should complement your average yields. 

Selecting the right grain auger can improve the efficiency of your operation and production profits. Visit us throughout Iowa to browse our selection of equipment. We can assist with financing, too! We proudly serve Des Moines and the Southeastern region.